Monday, March 8, 2010


I entered the term "down syndrome" and looked at an article about Sarah Palin at the Oscars which led me to another article about the senator from Colorado which was more refreshing.

I went to Delicious and bookmarked the "official white pages" which I often want to use on my iphone.

If you wanted to have a bigger audience for your blog than I do, you would go to Technorati and add tags relevant to your subject matter which would help more people find you. And vice versa you can use those tags to find blogs you wouldn't have by other means.
Delicious can help us by allowing us to access favorite bookmarked sites quickly and easily without being tied to a single computer.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I typed in a search for Down Syndrome and found a blog I may want to follow NADS, National Association For Down Syndrome Discussion Board.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

RSS feeds/ my bloglines

Here is the address to my bloglines.

I am amazed at how new technologies are developed to help us manage new technologies. Here is another one. A way to bring websites and news sites together in one place to save time searching. What a great idea! My concern is the amount of time we spend with these technologies. Are we giving up time spent face to face with others by having so much available to us online? Where is the balance?

Monday, March 1, 2010


It was fun to use Glogster but it didn't seem be something of wide appeal.

RSS Feeds

I can see how it would be useful to subscribe to your favorite websites and view them all in one place with a reader (like google reader), using a really simple syndication (RSS)feed.
It saves you lots of time going from website to website, and will give you the latest updates. It is a neat idea but I don't have websites I need to follow that religiously. It is good to know how to do it if/when I do want to.

My Yellowstone Photo uploaded with Image Chef - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more