Thursday, April 8, 2010

Summary of 23 Things

Even though it took a lot of time, I enjoyed trying out/learning about all these new technologies. It is good to know what is out there. I have a basic understanding if I want to use any of them personally. So glad I was a part of 23 Things!

Net library

I tried to download from Netlibrary on a mac and realized I couldn't. So I used our PC downstairs to download Book Cover
This eAudiobook is in the Protected WMA format. It can be listened to using a Windows computer or compatible portable player.
Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation.

I also downloaded a Pimsleur short German course for someone who is going to Germany for 10 days. I wonder if I can put it on an iphone?
Net Library is a wonderful resource esp. for languages. It seems much easier to download than it used to be.


I am familiar with the library catalog but never explored Research Pro. It is helpful to search a number of databases at the same time such as the catalog, google and Medline!
I found out that Research Pro doesn't work when you use Safari which was good to know. It was fine with Firefox.


Here is the url of NPR: Book Tour Podcast podcasts. I listened Ronald C. White, the author of a new book, The Man Who Signed His Name 'A. Lincoln', talk about his book in the podcast.

I am amazed at how many resources are available to post something you have created and have it accessible to so many people at once. It seems like a person's sphere of influence and options to be influenced have grown exponentially since I was a child. Also it is so much easier to collaborate with someone at a distance using these mediums.

YouTube "All You Need Is Love"

YouTube has entertainment value, is used as a medium to get a message across, as in the video below, but can also be used as a threat as in a case where one student threatened to post pictures of another student on Youtube in an unflattering manner.
So there is good and bad as in any medium.
My daughter suggested this song to post on YouTube . It is a project by Starbucks to support Aids...I love seeing and hearing the singers from other countries.

object width="640" height="385">

On December 7th, 2009 at 1:30pm GMT
Starbucks invited musicians from all over the world to sing together at the same time to raise awareness for AIDS in Africa. In that one breathtaking moment, musicians from 156 countries played "All You Need is Love" together. Watch now, as musicians from all around the world come together and share a song.

The global sing-along is part of our continuing efforts to help fight AIDS in Africa. In just one year in partnership with (RED)™, Starbucks has generated money equivalent to more than 7 million days of medicine to help those living with HIV in Africa

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I did a little typing in Zoho to get the feel of it.
I think Zoho would be helpful if I were working on a computer somewhere else (ie at the library), and wanted to finish at home esp., if I didn't have a flash drive to save it to.


I looked at some ways wikis were used in schools. It was a way for teachers to see what their students could learn about certain subjects as well as a way for teachers to communicate with each other.
I am really thrilled with our library wiki! It is such a great way to share information and is always there to refer back to if there is a question about something at the desk. It has helped keep everyone on the same page so to speak, esp. those who are part timers.

PS I didn't realize until now that Wikipedia was a wiki!